New to this website?

You might want to start with Reimagining Sunday School. This short essay gives useful background for the curriculums on this website.

Materials to support curriculum

The Supporting Materials page contains links to a big collection of games, a big collection of stories, and a variety of other material that can be used to support religious education programming.

Recently revised curriculums

Greek Myths

Greek Myths, 8 sessions for grades 3-5. Revised in 2024. A story-based curriculum introducing the cultural heritage of ancient Greece. This curriculum nurtures cultural literacy, develops critical thinking, helps children think about morality, and promotes feminist thinking (all genders are equally worthy).

A woman chained to a large rock formation, with a sea monster below her, and a flying figure above her.
Andromeda, Perseus, and the sea monster, detail from a 1st C. B.C.E. Roman wall painting (public domain image).

From Long Ago

From Long Ago, 8 sessions for grades 3-5. Revised in 2024. Story-based curriculum introducing stories from a variety of cultures and religious traditions. Using insights from contemporary religious studies, this curriculum reduces the Euro-centric bias found in many UU curriculums.

Four colorful hand puppets made from paper bags.
Hand puppet project for one of the sessions in From Many Lands.

Ecojustice Class

Ecojustice Class, year-long course for grades 6-8. Revised in 2023. A year-long project-based curriculum that teaches ecojustice concepts through hands-on activities. For example, students help build a simple rocket stove, cook on it, while also learning how rocket stoves help women who have to cook using wood fuels. Many of the lessons take the students outdoors, and the curriculum will have to be adjusted for your climate, seasons, and bioregion.

Cooking over a fuel-efficient rocket stove, using biomass instead of fossil fuels, in Ecojustice Class.

Coming of Age

Coming of Age, year=long program for gr. 8-10. Revised in 2022. A flexible curriculum for Coming of Age that can be adapted to a wide range of congregations and schedules. This curriculum is laser-focused on preparing teens to think about their religious self-identity, putting that identity into words, and successfully reading their statement of religious identity in a worship service. This curriculum is inclusive of persons from diverse backgrounds, and it incorporates new insights about religion from religious studies scholars.

Life-sized idealized self-portraits made from plywood mounted on a wall.
Plywood self-portraits from the Coming of Age curriculum.